Article • 5 min

Which action levers can accelerate the development of shared mobility solutions?

Road vehicles are responsible for causing 95% of the CO2 emissions from land transport. Cars are and will continue to be the main form of transport for everyday journeys for decades to come. How can we…

Article • 5 min

Subsea interconnectors:  electricity supplies without borders

Faced with the uncertainties shrouding the global geopolitical arena, nations are scrambling for solutions to safeguard their energy sovereignty and futureproof their infrastructures. In this respect,…

Article • 5 min

Decontaminating streams and rivers: the way ahead

Several events were held on the Seine during this summer’s Olympic Games 2024 in Paris, highlighting the pollution affecting the French capital’s river and the complexity involved in remedying the…

Article • 5 min

Social joint ventures: from exclusion to employment

Encouraging collaboration between companies and players from the social sphere, to promote inclusion of vulnerable populations through employment: this is the goal of social joint ventures. The strength…

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production d'hydrogene
Hydrogen: a high-potential vector for decarbonisation

Hydrogen has everything it takes to become a major vector in the decarbonisation of the economy, provided it can be mass-produced without fossil resources and distributed efficiently. Grey, green, blue or pink, to reduce the carbon footprint of transport or industry; find out how this sector is organizing to become a powerful vector for a low-carbon economy.

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