5 min

Expectations VS Reality : Céline Guivarch and the contradictions regarding climate change

The urgency of climate action VS the long-term nature of research. The ambitions of the Paris agreements VS the reality of rising greenhouse gas emissions. Céline Guivarch, climate researcher and author of the IPCC's sixth assessment report, responds to the contradictions surrounding climate change raised by the lab recherche environnement, a research laboratory resulting from a partnership between VINCI and three engineering schools.

Regarding the climate change, we're wondering what research we should be conducting. As a researcher, it's time to understand what works and what doesn't, what's possible beyond a trial, and what the effects are on the climate, but also on biodiversity and social inequalities. That's what we need to do in the current context.

Céline Guivarch, chercheuse, climatologue

Céline Guivarch, Director of Research at CIRED, author for the IPCC and member of the High Council for the Climate.

Interview de Céline Guivarch
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