Sea water desalination: a solution for turning the tide on the water scarcity crisis?
As water shortages continue causing havoc in a growing number of regions around the world, an age-old idea is experiencing a…
As water shortages continue causing havoc in a growing number of regions around the world, an age-old idea is experiencing a…
Several events were held on the Seine during this summer’s Olympic Games 2024 in Paris, highlighting the pollution affecting…
André Broto, an alumnus of the Ecole Polytechnique engineering school, a graduate of the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et…
Faced with the uncertainties shrouding the global geopolitical arena, nations are scrambling for solutions to safeguard…
The International Maritime Organisation estimates that shipping accounts for 3% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Due…
Hydraulic energy will play an active role in the energy transition. In the sea, along rivers and even on the roofs of…
Today’s urgent environmental situation is raising new challenges for the construction sector, which must strike a balance…
In the fight against global warming, carbon sequestration is a solution to be harnessed. This process helps to reduce the…
Construction is a major emitter of greenhouse gases. In France, it is estimated to be responsible for 8% of emissions*, with…
Road transport is one of the highest emitters of greenhouse gases. Motorway travel alone accounts for 6% of French emissions…